L'Io nella scrittura
Grafologia e analisi transazionale
The book is the result of experimental research that the author has done his time in collaboration with the Institute of Transactional Analysis. From This research results are interesting food for thought about the possibility of identifying the states of the IE (which, according to Eric Berne is a major element in the theory of Transactional and metodotogia), as well as with the traditional observation of verbal and non-verbal , also through the analysis graphological. Starting from a brief analysis of the methodology and theory graphological Transactional analysis, the author highlights the points of contact between the two theories and methodologies, and finally refers to any sign of association graphological the presenting features are similar.
For the display simple and succinct and to the pattern of signs referring to graphological of association, it may be interesting not only for professional graphologists scheme as an additional reference for the analysis of personality, but can also be used by parents, teachers and practitioners in education.