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Translated by an ally of the author, the book collects the fruits of decades-long study conducted by a famous German psychologist, by fifty years engaged in the field of graphology, the analysis of character and personality of subjects tested innovative -- not writing but drawing, having as its theme: a starry sky and a sea wave. This test shows a significant degree of maturity, the symptoms of disease and the characteristics of the child already in early childhood. The "Stars and Test To" complete diagnostics in several aspects of the previous graphics systems of expression. The graphical representation makes visible the base-form-and movement that characterize the writing. Stars and Test in order to shape and movement are separated in a separate ......
  Collana "Materie Prime"
Il test stelle e Onde Ursula Avè-Lallemant tradotto dall'originale tedesco "Der Sterne- Wellwn Test" da Fiorenza Magistrali ,137 disegni bn - 240 pagine
  Prezzo € 15,49 - ISBN 88-87706-00
Il test stelle e onde
La puericultura per risposte
The expression of your being
Villa Belvedere
The murder of Via Oporto
Chang fu
Senza consenso
Notes of a ghost
Mariolino and the martians
The malediction of the ghost
The silent avant-gardes

Words have wings too

A yellow story
The word trip
L'io nella scrittura
The body's secrets